Learn about ROEST products, customers and more
Roast profiling: from sample to production roasting
Read how leading coffee roasters leverage the ROEST sample roaster to maximize coffee's potential and develop production profiles, plus a straightforward strategy for flavor exploration.
Sample roasting for the World Stage
Competing in the World Coffee Championship (WCC) is no small feat. It requires meticulous preparation, including careful coffee selection and precise roasting. For Kamila Chobotova, Alexander Monsen, Mariam Erin and Martin Wolfl, the ROEST Sample Roaster played a crucial role in their journey to the world stage. This is how the ROEST helped them excel in the competition.
The Importance of Global Coffee Importing and Assessing Samples
Mercanta: “Coffee is a core component of many developing nations’ livelihoods, and we as importers have the ability to support and sustainably improve these communities. By connecting with producers, roasting, and sampling their coffee, we hope to give them a steppingstone into premium markets. Assessing quality with the right tools, such as the ROEST, allows us to achieve these goals within each of our offices.”
Fermenty Experimenty: Processing, Cupping and Roasting New Fermentation Styles
Each processing method has its own flavour attributes which, combined with the terroir, variety, temperature, and half a dozen other factors, creates a unique cup each time. While it can be risky for producer to create special fermentation, the demand from roasters and coffee lovers is pushing it forward. The team of Nordic Approach is sourcing more of rare coffees. Misako shared with us how to roast this type of coffee to bring the funky notes in the cup.
Why you need a sample roaster for your coffee business
Are you thinking about getting into the coffee roasting business? Or maybe you have already started, and you keep browsing the right equipment for your roastery? If you are not sure whether a sample roaster is an important asset to purchase, keep reading.
Learning to ROEST with Long Miles Coffee Part 2
David Stallings from Long Miles Coffee shares the full and detailed report on developing profile for Long Miles Burundi samples. Interesting explanation of the transformation from Air Temperature profile into Power profile. Profiles for your ROEST are included.
Learning to ROEST with Long Miles Coffee Part1
For over a decade roasting technology has evolved significantly: new roasting technology, roasting techniques,… We are even able to share roasting profiles. David Stallings from Long Miles Coffee shares his roasting journey from gas roasters and spreadsheets to today’s technology that led him to “the most perfect small-scale machine yet“. Read more in the article written by David Stallings.
Roasting whiskey barrel-aged coffee - from sample to sales
Green coffee industry is improving and developing new techniques in order to bring to our customers new flavor experiences. Is your coffee roasting improving along? Roasters are constantly facing new challenges with a trend of experimental approach to processing. Have you ever tried roasting coffee sample that was soaked in whiskey oak barrels?
How to evaluate the quality of your coffee. Part 3: Cupping
After green bean evaluation and sample roasting, cupping is the final and exciting step of Quality Control process. Cupping gives you an understanding of your coffee, its aromas and flavours and provides an important feedback. It helps to track progress of the quality or backtrack potential quality issues. Read how this process is done by Quality Control Lab Manager.