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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Roasting coffee for research

Coffee geeks love to question and conquer what they already know about coffee. Some of them took the challenging path to uncover new wisdom and started coffee research. That’s where we come into the picture - the ROEST sample roaster became a popular choice of scientific equipment. To find out more, we interviewed our friends roasting on ROEST!

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

From prototype to award-winning sample roaster

From the very beginning, we had a clear vision; to build a sample roaster with unmatched consistency, digital precision and without any compromises when it comes to the final result: the perfect cup. We had several tries until we achieved the results we wanted. Learning from mistakes and staying true to our values is what today makes ROEST the best sample roaster on the market. And this is our journey…

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Design to Repair: Sustainability at ROEST

Sustainability is one of the most important values for our coffee community. As we are growing, we feel a responsibility to focus more attention on what sustainability means to us and how we can contribute as a manufacturer. At ROEST, we are focused on creating a sustainable product for our customers, while building a sustainable business for our team.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Why you need a sample roaster for your coffee business

Are you thinking about getting into the coffee roasting business? Or maybe you have already started, and you keep browsing the right equipment for your roastery? If you are not sure whether a sample roaster is an important asset to purchase, keep reading.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Learning to ROEST with Long Miles Coffee Part 2

David Stallings from Long Miles Coffee shares the full and detailed report on developing profile for Long Miles Burundi samples. Interesting explanation of the transformation from Air Temperature profile into Power profile. Profiles for your ROEST are included.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Learning to ROEST with Long Miles Coffee Part1

For over a decade roasting technology has evolved significantly: new roasting technology, roasting techniques,… We are even able to share roasting profiles. David Stallings from Long Miles Coffee shares his roasting journey from gas roasters and spreadsheets to today’s technology that led him to “the most perfect small-scale machine yet“. Read more in the article written by David Stallings.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Roasting whiskey barrel-aged coffee - from sample to sales

Green coffee industry is improving and developing new techniques in order to bring to our customers new flavor experiences. Is your coffee roasting improving along? Roasters are constantly facing new challenges with a trend of experimental approach to processing. Have you ever tried roasting coffee sample that was soaked in whiskey oak barrels?

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Developing roast profile with Matt Winton

When corona virus hit, I was fortunate enough to have my ROEST machine with me at home, along with a small supply of different green coffee samples. I began to roast and test. I quickly discovered that when using the Power profiles, I could replicate the effects of the Gas coffee roaster very similarly. The first 3 months were such a learning process. I hope that by sharing my journey, you could have a place to start, and test it for yourself.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

How to evaluate the quality of your coffee. Part 3: Cupping

After green bean evaluation and sample roasting, cupping is the final and exciting step of Quality Control process. Cupping gives you an understanding of your coffee, its aromas and flavours and provides an important feedback. It helps to track progress of the quality or backtrack potential quality issues. Read how this process is done by Quality Control Lab Manager.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

How to evaluate the quality of your coffee. Part 2: Sample Roasting

What sets speciality coffee apart from any other grade on the market is the quality. To ensure it is delivered in the hands of your customers, there is a meticulous process every coffee business needs to follow. How should the Quality Control look like and what procedures are required? Read the article by Julia Rebecca Richardson.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

How to evaluate the quality of your coffee. Part 1: Green Bean Evaluation

What sets speciality coffee apart from any other grade on the market is the quality. To ensure it is delivered in the hands of your customers, there is a meticulous process every coffee business needs to follow. How should the Quality Control look like and what procedures are required? Read the article by Julia Rebecca Richardson.

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Product updates Trond Simonsen Product updates Trond Simonsen

The voice of coffee

Introducing a new feature: FIRST CRACK DETECTION. It turns your coffee roaster in to fully automatic roaster delivering higher consistency between your roasts. It registers the first crack for you and finishes the roast without any assistance.

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