Putting the roaster in safe mode

Only follow this procedure if you’ve been redirected here from a troubleshooting guide or the ROEST support team.

The led light and main fans turn on – but not the screen, and the paddles are not moving. The issue is that the firmware has been made corrupt, and a new version must be installed. The first step is to try to put the roaster into safe mode, as described below.


Step 1

Take off the top plate. Be careful with the cable connected to the encoder.

Step 2

Turn on the roaster and put it in safe mode:

  1. Press and hold both the RESET and SETUP buttons simultaneously.

  2. Release only the RESET button while holding the SETUP button.

  3. Release the SETUP button once the device blinks Magenta (purple-ish). If the led light blinks yellow, you have held the SETUP button too long.

Alternatively, if you connect your roaster to your computer with a USB, you can put your roaster in safe mode with a simple code. Turn on your roaster (while connected via USB), open the command prompt or terminal, and write in:

particle usb safe-mode

Step 4

The roaster should now automatically connect to the console and re-install the firmware.

Step 5

If the roaster restarts and is operational – turn it off and reinstall the top plate.

If not – use our guide called “Reinstalling default firmware.


Reinstalling default firmware


Particle Doctor